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Accelerated android cloud build tool with collaborative shareable emulators
Make faster local dev. builds using a cloud build engine on distributed caching and a shareable emulation suite for rapid, collaborative and productive development
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Automate Your Build Processes with

Dashwave Automated Builds

Streamline build process with triggers, secure PRs with checks and comments by Dashwave. Discover more
GitHub PR Checks
Seamlessly integrates with GitHub, enriching pull requests with detailed checks, comments, and emulation links for comprehensive reviews.
Slack Alerts
Stay informed and responsive with real-time build failure alerts. comprehensive status reports directly via Slack for immediate resolution.
Flexible Configurations
Customize your build process with multiple triggers, supporting a variety of build variants and pipeline requirements, for greater adaptability.
APK on Code Push
Streamline your workflow with automatic APK generation upon each code push, enhancing deployment efficiency and reducing manual effort.
Build Analytics
Gain quick insights into build performance, with detailed metrics on failure rates and durations, driving workflow optimization.
Run local codebase builds on cloud

3x to 10x

Reduction in build times


Time saved per developer
Remote Build Execution
Builds on powerful cloud nodes tapping parallelization. Supports Java, Kotlin, React Native and Flutter
Distributed Team Caching ;optimized build speed upto 3X - 10X
Reuse gradle build tasks and artifacts even in your first build, if it was historically built by anyone on Dashwave.
Ready-made build environments
Get fresh build environments with no dependency conflict
Build Analytics
Analyse build performance and dev productivity with Builds ROI stats, cache utilisation metrics
Pluggable Interface
Attach Dashwave's build engine to any phase of your development, be it local dev/debug builds or CI release/staging builds
How it works?
Proceed with further setup
(takes 1 min)
Fire builds from android studio and emulate them on Dashwave
Preview app emulation on cloud
Instant Previews
Preview builds on emulators running in the cloud, streamed to your browsers instantly. Toggle between Android OS versions and devices, emulation logs and crash analytics (crashlytics)
Preview Automation
Automate preview tasks like app navigations or button clicks which you would do in every build
Real Device App Preview
Run the built app on real Android devices by securely connecting your phone to Dashwave’s network and perform wireless debugging
Contextual Collaboration
Share preview with team stakeholders for feedbacks or demos and add comments with screenshots just like you do in Figma
Collaborate on emulated app with Analytics

Upto 1-3 hours/day

Savings on long feedback loops
Collaborative Shareable Emulation
Share emulation as a link, get feedback and perform demos. No device constraints, you just need a web browser
Shareable Builds COMING SOON
Share your android builds with logs and previews with team for faster debugging and analysis
Shared Build Environment COMING SOON
Run dry builds on your colleagues’ PRs/branches, preview apps for instant code reviews, test without local branch checkouts while retaining your local build cache
Build and Emulation Analytics
Get build stats like number of failed/successful builds, average build and debug time and app stats like crash rates and debug logs
Integrations COMING SOON
Deliver app previews to designers/PMs/QAs directly over Slack, and report bugs with context directly to Jira and much more

Cloud Secure

Your Data Security, Our Top Priority

Dashwave cloud uses best in class security principles to ensure that your data is shielded. Enterprise users can benefit from self-hosted secure installation of Dashwave in their own cloud or on-prem.

Data Encryption in Transit and Rest

Industry-standard encryption protocols to protect our users' data in transit and rest

Access Control

Enable selective and authorised access to code, builds and emulation

Regular Backups

Regular backups and recovery on demand for data