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· 3 min read

We’re launching Dashwave


🚀 Introducing Dashwave Public Beta! 🎉

Hello, I am Supratik Das, Co-founder, CTO at Dashwave. I am thrilled to announce the launch of Dashwave, a powerful cloud build and emulation tool for fast and collaborative android development. It supports all major Android languages/frameworks: Java, Kotlin, React Native and Flutter.

Why Dashwave? - The Problem

Android developers often struggle with insanely long build times and resource intensive emulation sessions. They work in close collaboration with product stakeholders and rely on WIP feedbacks. Since builds, feedbacks are slow, this leads to a 'code more, build less' approach, causing debugging challenges due to insufficient testing and productivity losses.

Solutions exist but their scope is limited either as a general purpose build tool or a CI/CD build tool. At Dashwave we are tailoring the entire platform right from the local development stage for the use cases of Android Developers.

What is Dashwave? - The Solution

With Dashwave, you can quickly onboard your project, fire your local build on Dashwave’s cloud, preview the native emulated app interactively streamed to the browser and share emulation for feedback/demo/anything you want. Don’t believe me? Watch this video where I do all the above three in 5 minutes:


💻 Integration with IDEs/Editors:

Integrate local code with our build engine using DW CLI. Attach android debugger while you build and emulate on our cloud.

☁️ Cloud Builds

Get fresh build environments with no dependency conflict. Build on powerful cloud nodes tapping parallelization. Supports Java, Kotlin, React Native and Flutter

🔧 Remote Caching

Dashwave uses Gradle Enterprise grade Distributed Caching to speed up your builds. If a project was built historically by anyone on Dashwave, the future users will enjoy cached builds.

📊Build Analytics

Analyse build performance and dev productivity with Builds ROI stats, cache utilisation metrics

📱Cloud Emulation and Previews

Preview your built app on cloud emulators, interactively streamed to your browsers. You can also connect your physical device to Dashwave cloud to enjoy real device previews.

🤝 Collaborate

Share your emulated app build as a link to anyone, exchange contextual comments with screenshots and logs for get feedback.

📈 Reduce CI Headaches

Use a singular ground for development and CI builds. If it builds on dev, it will build on CI.

🔒 Security and Privacy

Rest easy knowing that your data and intellectual property are protected by the latest security measures.

Join our discord server for help and latest updated.

Start creating your first build on

We can't wait to see what you create with Dashwave!

Happy building! 🚀

Supratik Das

Co-founder, CTO, Dashwave

Linkedin, Twitter

Supratik Das

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